Meet Name: Holy Trinity 5th Annual Invitational Meet

Meet Code: QDXWZ

Meet Date: Jun 2, 2009

Entry Close Date:       May 28, 2009 @ 06:00 pm

If this is your first meet this season with the Track Database online entries:

(Returning Users, see below)

Select ‘Register’ from the menu on the left to bring you to the registration page that will allow

you to register your team. On your first visit to the registration system you will need to

provide all the information required. OFSAA & CISAA have restricted modification abilities as

much of their information is generated automatically.

Registration now uses a username and password, the username you create must be unique

and cannot be changed. This username and password can be shared between the

coaching team to allow multiple coaches to do registrations for segments of the team.

When you enter team data, be sure to use an email address which is checked often as any

communication with either the meet convener, or will likely be time

sensitive. Using the online entry system, your entries will be emailed to you prior to the

entry close date in order to allow you time to review your entries and make any changes

needed. These dates are set by your convener and should be noted in your meet package.

Returning Users:

Select ‘Login’ from the menu on the left and use the username and password from your

previous meet(s).

Joining a Meet:

To join a new meet, select ‘Join Meet’ from the left menu. You will be prompted to enter the

meet code provided by the convener. After entering this code and clicking the join meet

button you will be added to the meet and it will now appear on your meet homepage.

Adding your entries:

The sign-up for relays is located under the "Athlete" heading. Select ‘Relay Entries’ to access

to those events. It is automatically added to your entries list. Registering athletes for relays

is done here as well.

For all other events, you can select them in the edit view for each athlete, check the box

beside the event to register for it, clicking submit at the bottom of the page will save the data

entered. Seed times may optionally be entered for running events in the box provided.

Copy Entries:

After choosing the meet to edit, click the “copy entries” button, located at the top of the entries

listing. This will bring up a form to select the meet you would like to copy the entries from.

After selecting the source meet, a listing of all the athletes and entries from your team will

come up, click the box beside the entries you would like to copy and click copy entries. The

system will alert you if any of the copied entries are for events that don’t match the current

meet, or would violate entry limits.

Holy Trinity 5th Annual Invitational Meet

Jun 2, 2009